
Final practicals-Long case-1802102002

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input. A 65 year old male patient toddy tree climber by occupation came to our hospital on 2nd February with chief complaints of absence of urine output (anuria)since 1 day and shortness of breath since 1 day. History of present illness:- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 years back ,then he suddenly fell from toddy tree  while climbing ,then he had fracture of femur for which open reduction and internal fixation(ORIF) was done. Patient had got flexion fixed deformities since 7 years. Patient is unable lie down flat ,he is unable to put his neck on pillow since 7 years. Patient stays at home  and stopped drinking bore wate

Final practicals-Short case:1802102002

This is an online E- log book to discuss our patient's de- identified health data shared informed after taking his/ her guardian's signed informed consent . Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E- log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome." A 36 year old male patient farmer by occupation came to our hospital with chief complaints of pain in the abdomen since 45 days. History of present illness:- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 45 days  back, then he noticed pain in abdomen which is of dragging type which is in the epigastric region. Patient also complains of nausea and loss of appetite. No history of vomitings,constipation. Past history:-  Patient is not a known case of diabetes,  hyperte

Internal assessment-3

III - INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAMINATION  Date : 16/12/2021. 1.Define heart failure. Etiology and clinical features of heart failure. How do we diagnose heart failure clinically, physical examination and various modalities used in diagnosis of heart failure. Write a brife note on treatment of heart failure. 2)Define Cirrhosis of liver. Etiopathogenesis  of cirrhosis of liver. Write a brief note on clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of cirrhosis of liver. 3)Elaborate on clinical features and diagnostic modalities in diagnosis of Renal calculi. 4)Etiology of pleural effusion.Diagnostic criteria of pleural effusion . 5)Diagnosis and treatment plan of dengue fever. 6)Clinical features and diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease. 8)Treatment of abdominal tuberculosis. 9)Etiology and treatment of pneumonia. 10)Complications of