80 yr old male with uremic encephalopathy,post renal AKI secondary to Bladder outlet obstruction (?vesical calculus)

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

A 80 year old male patient,resident of chityal,farmer by occupation presented to causality with chief complaints of burning micturition since 15 days,fever since 5 days 
decreased urine output since 4 days,
shortness of breath since 4 days,Hematuria  since 3 days.

History of present illness:  
Patient was apparently normal 8 years back then he had abdominal pain which was associated with fever and vomitings and diagnosed with ? Liver abscess and needle aspiration was done.
4 years back patient developed a blister over right ankle which ruptured and for ulcer and cellulitis debridement was done. 
Since 15 days patient had c/o burning micturition associated with fever, nausea, vomitings and treated accordingly. Fever since 4-5 days, intermittent,not associated with  chills .Hematuria since 3 days.Decreased urine output and shortness of breath since 4 days .
He underwent 4 sessions of dialysis on 15th dec ,16th dec,18th dec and 20th dec

Past history:- 
Not a known case of diabetes, hypertension, tuberculosis, epilepsy, asthma. 

Personal history:-
Patient has normal eating habit with mixed diet. 
Not an alcoholic, not a smoker.
Loss of apetite. 
Routine before 15 days back:-
Patient used to wake up at 5 or 5:30 am ,he used to fresh up and drink milk and he used to do dairy work.Then he used to look up at his farm and he used to eat 3 times a day and he was normal.
Routine from 15 days:-
Patient used to wake up at 5 or 5 :30,he used to dairy work but he was having weakness and he was not eating properly as before.From past 5 days he was even unable to walk staying at home only.

Family history:-
No significant family history. 

General examination :-
Patient is conscious,oriented to person,not to time and place.
No pallor
No icterus
No clubbing
No lymphadenopathy
No edema
Vitals :-
Pulse rate- 104bpm
Respiratory rate- 20cpm
BP -90/70mmhg 
Spo2- 98% with 4lit o2
Systemic Examination :
CVS : S1S2 + , No murmurs.
RS : BAE + .
P/A : Soft , Nontender.
CNS : HMF intact.

Provisional diagnosis:-
Urosepsis post renal AKI secondary to bladder outlet obstruction B/l moderate hydroureteronephrosis
Vesical calculus
Uremic encephalopathy 
Prostatomegaly Grade 1


Inj meropenem 500mg iv bd
Inj pan 40 mg iv od
Iv fluids 0.45 NS @ u.o.+30ml/hr
Tab pcm 650mg RT SOS
RT feeds free water,milk with protein powder 4th hrly
Monitor vitals
I/o charting

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